Instructions for use Bioretin

Cream-mask Bioretin there is a simple way this is effective for facial rejuvenation. Despite the relatively low price the effect of the drug takes much longer to effect a more expensive salon. Day cream-mask Bioretin must twice a day – morning and evening. The tool you want to use to get the best results in 5-6 weeks. Cream-mask for the different types of cover available. This tool is a good moisturizer, dry skin and reduce the obesity issue cover.

The application properties of cream Bioretin

The thoroughness necessary for getting maximum results is to take to comply with statement itself is a tool. Important moments such as you describe him:

  • to start with thoroughly clean and skin with a soft soap (wash your skin well and wash with lukewarm water after the treatment);
  • stain with a soft sponge or cloth to clean the treatment areas;
  • on some cream-mask extreme fingerprint;
  • more car Massage the face and upper neck portion;
  • Massage the skin until completely absorbed Cream (the region around the eyes to get an exceptionally clean car on a terrible cornea);
  • then you can start a mask that is completely absorbed rich decorative cosmetics.

This medicine is completely natural and therefore cause different side effects include the lack of allergic reactions. Cream there Bioretin there are no contraindications (except individual intolerance of components), so you can use them, even with tits and lactating pregnant woman.